Finding Refreshment in Certainty.
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How the Trinity Changed my Mind on Creation Care
I am taking a break in my series on Global Voices to share two short articles I wrote for the Evangelical Environmental Network.
Ten years ago I faced a crisis of faith. I’d been raised to believe that there was a pecking order to God’s love: our eternal souls first, our physical bodies a distant second, and creation a very distant third. Life and faith were evaluated through this criteria screen, and creation almost always paid the price.
When Giving Can Become an Excuse for Neglecting Real Generosity: A Reflection from the UK
The front page of the monthly newsletter from my church in a small town in England says it all: ‘A double spread on the launch of Foodbank is an ideal example of the church being the instrument of blessing in its local setting.’ Yes, one of the latest crazes in UK churches has come to town – giving out food. Surely this is one of the best examples of generosity in a community, you would say.
Three Things You MUST Stop Doing This Year.
Don’t let these things rob you of the abundant life God has for you this year!
New Year’s resolutions are usually things we need to start doing like exercising, dieting and saving money. However, I want to challenge Christ followers in 2015 to make unequivocal commitments to stop doing three things that rob us of the full life God created us to live.
The Seven Victories of a Generous Spirit