All posts by Dr. Scott Rodin

God Gets Kicked Off Alaska Airlines

When will it end? The attack on faith in our country by the ‘political correctness police’ continues unabated. The latest place that God is no longer welcome is on Alaska Airlines flights.  For as long as I can remember meals served in first class have been accompanied by a simple little 1″ by 2″ slip of paper with a Psalm printed on it under the Alaska Airline logo.  Alaska has a history of being .

The Steward’s Declaration

The theology of the faithful steward is amazingly simple, it is founded on the belief and acknowledgement that God owns it all.  It is so clear, so basic to our faith.  Yet it is profoundly hard to put its implications into practice.  Perhaps that’s because we really don’t believe it.  We never pull it down from the theoretical heights of a general faith statement to the tangible reality of the challenges, fears and doubts .

Week #1 – The Refreshment of Memory

“Give thanks to the Lord, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done, Sing to him, sing praises to him; tell of his wonderful acts, Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice.  Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.  Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles and the judgments he pronounced,  O descendants of Israel his servant, .

Refresh Your Spirit

On January 3rd I launched this blog and I have devoted the month to reflections on what it means to be ‘all-in’ for Christ and to denounce the ‘half-way’ Christian life.  Thank you to all of you who have responded and who have signed up to follow my blog. Here is my plan for the months ahead. There are ten Mondays between now and Easter.  As a lead up to Easter I will be posting .

What If We’re Wrong About Everything?

OK, maybe the title should be ‘what if I’m wrong about everything.’ The values of the kingdom of God define the ‘right side up’ life in an upside-down world.  Too often I hold onto those old worldly values and miss what God has for me.  See if you own at least some of these misperceptions. Kingdom of the world thinking:  We work in order to earn the money we need to do the things .

Is God in Your Kitchen?

This week a friend challenged me to the core by confessing to “an unwillingness to grant God unlimited permission to do whatever it takes to change me.”  That comment led me to re-examine my prayer life.  What do I pray for most often?  Most prayers are focused on asking God to change things.  Yes, there is praise and thanksgiving, but beyond that there is a litany of requests that God intervene and bring change .

Laying Down a Heavy Crown

Which kingdom will dominate your life today?  There are two to choose from.  Jesus came to announce the coming of the kingdom of God.  In His life, death and resurrection the kingdom of God has come with victory and power.  As followers of Jesus we are now citizens of this eternal kingdom.  But here’s the catch.  It requires us to submit everything we are and everything we have to that one kingdom, and its .

Been Hated Lately?

I’ll make a confession, I like to be liked.  Maybe I’m vain, but I don’t go out of my way to do things that will make people dislike me.  If given the choice, I will act in ways that are acceptable, even commendable to most all people.  And I’ll bet you’re pretty much like me.  So what do we do with Matthew 10:21 where Jesus says, “You will be hated by everyone because of .

Where is that Narrow Road?

Jesus said, “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” (Matthew 7:13-15) How do you visualize the broad and narrow roads?  I used to think of them as running parallel with the one being like a four-lane freeway and .

Will We Stand?

What do you stand for?  What are you willing to die for?  Where is the line in the sand in your life?  In the book of Daniel three men of God were told that when the king’s musicians played a tune all of the people were to bow down to an image of the king or be burned alive.  When the music played these three did not bow, they didn’t even crouch over a .